She immediately called the doctor and they started running tests. That very day, Drew went from ICU to step down ICU, to home all in a month’s time. Drew began to get stronger day by day but I started to notice that at night she would cry a lot. When I took her to see the neurologist, she still had debris and fluid surrounding her brain which caused increased pressure in the brain when she laid down for a period of
Indate link Moteefe of KingTees Store on July 02. I was told he needed to place a shunt and she would need to have surgery. He told me to part her hair in ponytails and he would cut her in the parts of her hair. The doctor said that he could only rule out or determine the extent of her brain damage when her brain is back in position. He couldn’t tell me how she would learn while growing up, because kids with injuries like hers are dead.
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