ANNOUNCE!!! Ed Orgeron Geaux Tigahs Shirt is now available at Kingteesshirt.
Proceed to store here: Ed Orgeron Geaux Tigahs Shirt
But whether we like it or not, he outdid Hillary in Charisma and overall leadership stature. I remember him standing over Hillary during the debate and all I could see was every other president in the world doing the Ed Orgeron Geaux Tigahs Shirt. Other countries have had rounded woman leaders. We have yet to produce such a candidate. I don't trust my children's safety to any of these women. If Bernie Sanders was a Woman I would vote for her. Elizabeth Warrens record betrays her. Kamilla Harris was a vengeful corrupt DA. Hillary Clinton should be disqualified because she would have Bill influencing her too much.

And shes a True centralist democrat. And under too many investigations in the first place. Weaksauce. I like Tulsi But shes a little too much military for my Taste. Robin Fox The DNC is a right-wing nest. Even Obama has admitted that his policies were what republicans did 20 years ago.

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