ANNOUNCE!!! Official Stephen King Friends Signature Shirt is now available at Kingteesshirt.
Proceed to store here: Official Stephen King Friends Signature Shirt
While I feel that the Liberals are
falling severely short of the radical shift we need on the environmental
platform we need to save this planet, which is the ONLY reason I will note vote
Liberal this upcoming election, I believe in the Official Stephen King Friends Signature Shirt and social values of
the Liberal party. To water down the Federal recover efforts of the Trudeau
government is a joke. This is so oversimplified, as a
Canadian, I can only tell the world that Trudeau is just a typical politician,
influenced by lobbyists and he goes where his donors want him to go. Don’t
believe the fairy tale, our true PM is a marketing agency that sells the vortex
of convictions that is Trudeau.

I frankly don’t understand why some in Canada
are dissatisfied with his performance. They say the scandal and I think, it’s
penny-ante stuff, get over it. Anyhow, this Canadian will be voting liberal.
Mr. Scheer scares me, he’s too much like 45 in DC. I prefer a more
compassionate approach. PS.

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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