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Getting In Some FaceTime Diana Tsui, the Philadelphia Sports Philadelphia 76ers Philadelphia Eagles Erving R. White Schmidt Signatures Shirt moreover I love this senior market editor at The Cut, admits that, during fashion week, she normally sees her husband, Chris Wu, in the morning before she leaves and for about 10 minutes before bed every night. While they do text throughout the day, once she heads over to Europe, she avoids texting due to the time difference and instead tries to FaceTime before going to bed.
We both know it’s a busy time, and we’ve been together so long that I don’t think we necessarily miss each other, she says. I will say that Chris does try to make sure there’s some sort of food or takeout at home just in case I don’t get to eat dinner. This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the Philadelphia Sports Philadelphia 76ers Philadelphia Eagles Erving R. White Schmidt Signatures Shirt moreover I love this same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, on their website.
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