Lidya Bellalina Rodriguez was so annoying everyone saying uh duh confirmed she duh strongest like that means anything. Russo’s are dipshits ruining this movie with more horrid bad acting from Scarlet Johansson and those quips. What they say means nothing but to satisfy people who love cheese and would rather see social justice feel-good moments than being true to the comics. They Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel Iron Man and Captain America shirt off so well until Ultron when they started that director's vision over the original material. Russos are not the god of marvel and just because their lame version says shes strongest doesn't change that its stupid and comic universe is better. Also, Way to much comedy in the movies is getting annoying and the actors are getting really cheesy and overdramatic to a really bad point. It worked in guardians but they really need to stop with the lame comedy skits.

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