Sheila Power So I'm out of touch if I don't agree, probably more in touch than you'll ever be. Let's not forget Ann Sourbury abuser who called her a Nazi was arrested, can't wait for him to be. Oh, you agree with that do you, Sheila? Well, then I'm afraid you are just as brain damaged as David is. Seek help. Kate Turner Never heard so much nonsense in my life! You people want to blame Brexit on everything! Where is the evidence of this so-called rise in a hate crime? And do you think that people like David Lammy and You Remainers going about calling people who voted to leave racists, far right, and the Border Collie BCvengers Marvel Avengers shirt are not inciting hate amongst people! Do you not think by using these labels and blocking people’s Democratic vote by trying to derail Brexit isn’t causing tension. Davis Lammy has only one interest at that is his community as he has stated many times.

Asian and everyone who is not white! So who is the Border Collie BCvengers Marvel Avengers shirt racist and who is abusing his position in Parliament to make cheap shots and label people names because it suits his agenda! And you all bang on about hate crime! London has had a huge amount of stabbings and attacks and who is doing that? Blacks that’s who so what would you call that. Is that race crime? What do you label them? So definitely a lot of double standards on here and unless people like Lammy and you remainders can see that!

Then things will never change as it’s a two-way street and not just racists you're white. The Border Collie BCvengers Marvel Avengers shirt two democratic socialist nations in history were those of Venezuela and Nazi Germany. Hugo Chavez’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela and Hitler’s National Socialist Worker’s Party we’re both freely and democratically elected by their gullible peoples.
From: Kingtees
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