Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 9, 2019

Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories shirt is now available at Kingteesshirt.

I do hope it gets thrown out of the court, it is ridiculous! and I hope they are not taking this cost out of taxpayers money. The idiots should be paying damages to our country for all the trolling poor BoJo has had to endure and the false allegations. Bet he doesn't get one single apology either. The Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories shirt wants to think long and hard on this, with the feeling of the country about them at the moment, they need to think long and hard about democracy and the tools the PM has to allow him to do his job. Which comes back to delivering the will of the people.
Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories shirt
Now that the Lib Dems have had their Party Conference I'm sure they'll be happy to go back to Westminster. Will the Labour Party be happy to cancel their conference. Early prorogation took 4 days off this sitting of Parliament, last week. This whole 'issue' is a joke.
Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories sweater
You can see the official design here: Full House 32nd anniversary thank you for the memories shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

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