Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2019

Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

In a thousand years the hoaxers are gonna be crying about the ice age, then a couple of thousand years later crying about the thaw. The Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt panic was wrong when it was global cooling, wrong when they changed it to global warming, and wrong now that the scam is man-made climate change. I have never tried or heard about these dishes and I am Filipino. I guess I just eat common popular Filipino dishes.
Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt

The last great thaw had higher c02, higher sea levels, hotter global temperatures by 3 to 5c. And no humans. Man-made climate change is a hoax dependant on the masses being too uneducated and willfully ignorant to ignore a billion years' worth of freezing and thawing.
Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX hoodie

You can see the official design here: Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to LUX shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

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