ANNOUNCE!!! Thankful For My Cat Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.
Those democrats that run as
conservatives or moderates are liars that institute crazy liberal schemes.
Please stop calling it a buyback, it's called confiscation. Dems really need to
stop following Hitler's gun control policies. You want to lower gun crime,
maximum sentences for all crimes committed using guns including the Thankful For My Cat Shirt penalty. Rifles are only responsible for about 5% of all gun homicides. That's
all styles of rifles, not just AR and AK style rifles. Only two people I don't
want to see in the White House after the next election: DJT or O'Rourke. Yeah,
I get it. "Very courageous statement and all that BS.
If one single adult in the Broward County School District made one responsible decision about the Parkland shooter, then my sister would be alive. Duh, they keep running crazy liberals with wild fantasies as policies. First, they want to stop illegal immigration then they want open borders. They want socialism. Free this and free that. Radical changes to our Constitution. And Taxes taxes taxes.
You can see the official design here: Thankful For My Cat Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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