ANNOUNCE!!! The Golden Girl Ho Ho Ho Christmas Tree Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.
Why aren’t the Democrats pissed that
once again, it’s the American people being taken for a ride? Another billion
dollars and billions of time, worth of lies by the Dems. They also should be
pissed the Dems have made them a laughing stock around the The Golden Girl Ho Ho Ho Christmas Tree Sweater. I don’t care
if you don’t like Trump. The democrats have done NOTHING in almost 3 years
except to try and find something... find anything on Trump. And he just keeps
working and getting things done. More Americans have his back then they did in
2016! Thanks for that libs.
Holding him in contempt is not going
to make him answer the way they want him to. This is nothing more than a
smaller version of collusion. Democrats cannot stand the fact they came up
empty on their witch-hunt, so now they're gonna go after anyone that even hints
at knowing and liking Trump.
You can see the official design here: The Golden Girl Ho Ho Ho Christmas Tree Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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