ANNOUNCE!!! Oklahoma Sooners Football 5 Straight Champions Shirt is now available at Kingteeshirt.
Skip Rowland, you asked when is king
children a good thing. Here is your answer. It is a good thing to kill children
when they are shooting at you. See how easy that answer is? Now when and if
some children are shooting at you, your children and if you have grandchildren,
just give the Oklahoma Sooners Football 5 Straight Champions Shirt-be killer children some candy. They may not kill you all
then. Also, they had masks on so there was no way for the people to know their
ages. Guess they could have asked em when the children started to shot at them.
But we won't know since they are dead, thank goodness. Y’all don’t understand
it could have been the other way around.

I always say to my children never go
and try and take nothing from nobody because it's likely to be a deadly
encounter, and these kids parents I don't want to see them say how Steve, Joe,
and John was good kids because hell no they ain't they were armed and masked
ready to steal and kill, and they got killed it's not my fault.

You can see the official design here: Oklahoma Sooners Football 5 Straight Champions Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteeshirt.
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