Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 5, 2019

Nurses work harder than senators shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Nurses work harder than senators shirt is now available at KingTees Shop.

Proceed to store here: Nurses work harder than senators shirt

Nurses work harder than senators shirt
We are being crammed with USELESS things and being told its education. Just because we are taking a test on information doesnt mean its learning, learning comes with purpose and application! You inspire me and don't let these Nurses work harder than senators shirt who got a top comment to degrade you! Of course, a surgeon will need to know advanced material, but guess what? Not everyone is going to be a surgeon. So why don't we focus on what the kid wants to be, and what their strengths and weaknesses are to everyone's different?
Men's Tank Top front

You can see the official design here: Nurses work harder than senators shirt
See more  great t-shirt designs here:

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