ANNOUNCE!!! Rammstein Homer Simpson shirt is now available at Kingtees.
Proceed to store here: Rammstein Homer Simpson shirt
Michael May The data we took in the last 100 years dates back 1.5 million years with the accuracy we can confirm. Moreover, the scientific literature. One Ignorant Michael May. It's so nice to make ignorant comments as you sit in the warmth of a nice home, not knowing what it feels like to be scared, helpless and desperate. Marianne Armocida-Hackett it's so nice to sit in the comfort of your or Guardian Office writing articles to promote open borders without living in the neighborhoods where the Rammstein Homer Simpson shirt will settle. Jane Ann Arduino looks up legal immigration and sees what chance this man had of ever getting in. Also, he was an asylum seeker therefore NOT illegal.
He has summarily turned away from the border without being permitted to apply for asylum. The fact you have no sympathy says a lot about you. Marianne Armocida-Hackett so when illegals are being given free healthcare whilst legal US citizens, legal immigrants and war vets are being denied treatment because they don’t have insurance, what part of karma is being displayed.
You can see the official design here: Gearbubble
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Funny Shirt
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