Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 6, 2019

Top 10 trending shirts on kingtees store on June 25

She raised me because my mother had a drug addiction she couldn’t shake for the life of her, but don’t worry this isn’t a story of an overdosing addict, well not really. My mother like most women experienced hurts, life-shaking hurts and dealt with them through the magical escape of opiums. So I spent a good deal of my childhood on the rollercoaster of any child of an addict, multiple promises of Top 10 trending shirts on kingtees store on June 25, multiple broken promises, multiple trips to ‘New York’ commonly known as a jail. Growing up I would tell childhood friends my mom was away on business in New York when they would ask why my mom wasn’t present at birthday after birthday. I remember caring for my mother during moments of binging, shielding her from my grandmother as I undressed her and threw her in the shower so she wouldn’t know my mom was high again, locking her in the bathroom to protect her from herself.

Freddie Mercury We Are The Champions Shirt

Freddie Mercury We Are The Champions Shirt

You can see other styles here: I wanted her to just be so I drew her a bath, helped her climb in, dried her off and we watched movies together. She picked movies like Bridget…
America The Original Land Of The Free Shirt

America The Original Land Of The Free Shirt

You can see other styles here: I was emotionally and physically drained. I found reserves I never knew I had, but that’s what moms do. We do everything and anything possible to make sure our…

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