Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 11, 2019

Santa Claws he sees you when you’re drinking White Claw Christmas sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Santa Claws he sees you when you’re drinking White Claw Christmas sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

This is why federal firefighters don't put out wildfires. They steer them in the direction they need to go. It's all part of nature. Fish die. Their remains fertilize. The ecosystem flourishes. It's been happening for a long time, a lot of lot longer than governments figured out how to save them. This is a hype story. There's no truth here. I fought wildfire for the Santa Claws he sees you when you’re drinking White Claw Christmas sweater. We protected life and property, the feds camped out and let nature take its course. This news outlet and the left are bullshitting you because you keep falling for it.
Santa Claws he sees you when you're drinking White Claw Christmas sweater
Personally, the sex-ed provided by school when I was that age was pretty near worthless. The responsibility to have that discussion with children never was supposed to be the schools. It should be the parents. If you are unable to have difficult and uncomfortable discussions then maybe having kids isn't for you. 
Santa Claws he sees you when you're drinking White Claw Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Santa Claws he sees you when you’re drinking White Claw Christmas sweater

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

Now you want to have more dialogue instead of actually fixing the problem you started.  Before the time of the internet, it was finding your grandpa's playboys or something around those lines. And for your grandfather, it was checking out pinup calendar girls in his dad's garage. The Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas sweater isn't the source. It's the lack of content and context from the ones that matter. Too many avoid the sex talk with children and expect the schools to fill in the blanks for them. I’m a school bus driver, and that word is not allowed on my bus or any bad language. I don’t have a monitor, but still, keep control of my bus.
Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas sweater

My dad had the birds and the bees discussion with me, just as it should be. Hey, all you adults that don't lie to your children and treat them like the grown-ups that they are not. This is your fault. Allowing your kids to watch anything they want. Have access to any part of the internet day or night because they have cell phones.

Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Santa Nani murderous black cat with knife light Christmas sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

I’m also lucky I work for a good school district and bus company. That type of behavior is dealt with immediately. Sending big hugs and prayers to the young lady. These parents of these kids need to realize that they’re putting their kid's lives at risk by teaching them to be racist. God forbid, this happens to anyone of my kids. I’ll be the Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Shirt going to prison. I teach my kids to be kind and respect every single person equally. I went to school there, pretty isolated, but I never saw any of this until recently. Saw confederate flags several times this summer.
Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Shirt
A lot of those fools have relatives that literally died in the civil war. It is beautiful countryside but so happy my kids are growing up elsewhere. We live in a really sad world where unfortunately racism continues to be alive and progressing. 
Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Ladies
You can see the official design here: Baby Yoda Light Christmas Is Coming Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

This a social problem, not racism. What can a bus monitor do to stop the fight when lawsuit-happy parents are just waiting to see if school personnel lay so much as a hand on their kid. There is a culture of people misusing the Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid sweater system and something has to be done about it. Schools are already understaffed. Yet, they are somehow expected to keep kids apart when they come from violent and dysfunctional homes. Maybe, in this case, the girl was minding her own business and was being bullied. In many cases, both parties are antagonizing each other and fight to break out.
Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid sweater

If the bus monitor did in fact witness what occurred, and did nothing to stop it, then he/she should be held accountable as well. Also, children aren’t born into this world with hatred in their hearts. Racism and hate are learned behavior, oftentimes first instilled in the home environment. 

Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid Ladies
You can see the official design here: Flamingos Merry Christmas leopard plaid sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

School fights have happened for many decades. But, schools can't respond appropriately. Blame the lawyers. The bus monitor was screwed either way. If she had intervened then she would have been held liable for any injuries that the Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Sweater had received during the altercation. The way the laws work nowadays, especially when dealing with kids throwing the n-word around like small talk, the bus monitor probably did the smart thing and should just find a different line of work. The driver MUST address any act of physical violence on the bus. He also needs to consider addressing disturbing verbal behavior.

Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Sweater
However, he has to safely stop the bus first. If he decides it's not safe to stop and can't act upon it he has to report it over the radio or immediately upon arrival. And of course, he has to write down names. I can't say if he did wrong, all the facts have to be investigated and placed into perspective. 
Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Grinch Face In a world full of Grinches Cindy Lou Who Christmas Sweater

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

Polices and KPS called me. I was crying and crying then my friend drove me to the Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Sweater. I thanks my friend drove and dropped me there. My parents are piss off at boys and school. My son is so sweet and smart boy. I’m a deaf mother and he knows sign language plus he is hearing. I’m glad that cps and polices took him away from their parents and unfit to do with kids. This is really sad upsets me so much why do these children feel like they have to beat somebody up sometimes I think it's taught in the home.
Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Sweater

My son got bullied, too by boy choked my son’s neck and his heart almost stopped beating. The children yelled at the driver bus to stop it and called 911. Polices and ambulances came and took my son to rushed to the hospital. He was lucky to alive.

Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Horseshoe This Riding Team Is On The Naughty List Friends Christmas Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Parents need to have talked about racism and that it won't be tolerated but the bus monitor is supposed to step in. The first thing the bus should have been stopped and the school called and all involved should be in front of a serious investigation. Kids learn from adults and who they surround themselves with. I hope something is done to keep this from happening again. The I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Shirt should be fired if they can't do a better job at cleaning up a group of youngsters. I personally know some areas and schools have issues with fixing bullying and racism from bad parenting to just downright mean kids.
I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Shirt
Our first job as adults is to protect the children. The second job is to help the children are able to become civilized and self-reliant adults. If the parents of these students who beat this girl do not come to the aid of the girl and force their children to atone for their actions, then the parents are unfit to be parents. 
I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Ladies
You can see the official design here: I Speak In Disney Song Lyrics And Friends Quotes Diamond Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

And when daddy arrives it's going down like a plane crash 4real. The parents of the kids on the Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Sweater who did this should all be jailed because the kids are learning this at home. America is out of control and it is about time someone stood up and take control before it gets worse. It is no better than a third world country at this stage. Let's be honest they aren't allowed to touch the students. I mean even the arms. They aren't allowed to do anything but calmly tell students to stop. Try to move students in different seats.
Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Sweater

Regarding the bus monitor, if a child is being harmed and an adult does not come to protect that child, that person is complicit in the abuse. his behavior is taught at home. So I'm teaching my child that when some put their hand on them to make sure that person doesn't wanna try it again. If there's more than one, lock in on the main one.

Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Little Yoda Ugly Christmas Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

I can always count on you CNN to try and divide America with the race card. One incident that happens with racial slurs and I'm sure you'll be talking about this story the entire week and investigating to see if the Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Sweater of the attackers are trump supporters and that will be the gold mine for you if they are as you try every day to label Trump and his supporters as racists. Bus monitors can only say no no don’t do that. Maybe write the offender up and turn it into the school that will ignore it anyway. Monitors can not do hands-on.
Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Sweater
Also write-ups. Many times the schools that have the authority to do punishments do not act. At times they will do punishments if the same behavior happened on the classroom but not the school bus. Well, that's funny even though you're right Okada makes you wonder color biggest races woman. 
Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Ladies
You can see the official design here: Santa Woman Yelling At A Cat Vintage Christmas Sweater

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

They are limited to verbal commands and nothing physical. If there is a physical attack involved, they can only pull the bus over and call 911. Have you noticed since Donald trump bullies a lot the Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Shirt have objectified his characters and think it’s ok. Children learn from their environment through internalization they pick the externalized characters from those whom they look upon and think since the president is doing it they too can legitimatize it into the institution they are into. Blame it on their environment.
Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Shirt

He's getting bigger got darker star which promotes that garbage so what do you expect an absolutely positively I am not saying or defending the actions of the little pumps that beat her up but that's the way Society uses today the sad State of Affairs.

Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Ladies
You can see the official design here: Sebastian Vettel World Champions 2010-2013 Signature Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Yes I’m Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Yes I’m Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

Besides the fact that racism is so Rampant and disturbing, it's even more disturbing that young children are now filled with angst and hate towards each other. It's not coming naturally, they're learning this. I fear we will never be a peaceful society, ever. This guy is delusional. If and that's a big if it goes to the Senate President Trump has them exactly where he wants them. His lawyers can then subpoena all the Yes I’m Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Sweater and documents no holes barred. Rudy Giuliani and John Solomon have been working on Ukraine and China's connection for three years and they have it all. It was never about Russia its always been about Ukraine and China.
Yes I'm Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Sweater
Those of us who do our own research and refuse to watch MSM have been aware of that fact for several months now. Please please please take all of this before the Senate and let the indictments start rolling. Tom Steyer is a bit naive when he says Trump will lose the trial in the Senate. He says that Trump will be tried in the court of public opinion. 
Yes I'm Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Ladies
You can see the official design here: Yes I’m Bilingual I Speak Fluent Crochet Sweater

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

It's amazing and comical that the Republicans are still using Hillary as their deflection strategy again, for the umpteenth time. Next, it will be Obama's fault, too. I'm just waiting to hear that. It's really getting old using Hillary and Obama as the scapegoats whenever the The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas shirt can't defend their point of view. Just stop it already. For two years, Mr. Steyer, you have been preaching impeachment. Ukraine is just the latest BS the Dems are trying to sling. Maybe this is your attempt to hurt your political opponent. Whoops, I forgot you will never get the democratic nomination because nobody knows who the hell you are.
The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas shirt

It's still going to be voted on by senators and the Republicans don't give an sh*t about what the American people want nor what is said in the Constitution. If the vote fell upon the lines of the popular vote, 37 - 39% will vote for Trump even if he was caught red-handed raping the corpses of their grandparents. 

The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas Ladies
You can see the official design here: The Grinch I am sorry the nice Teacher is on vacation Chrismas shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 11, 2019

Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

This young man deserved a future, his family deserves to watch his life develop. These kids need to realize that life is to be valued and problems aren’t solved by violence. My heart hurts for his family and loved ones, as well as the community. Charge the youths involved and charge their parents. Maybe if this becomes prevalent, parents might try to control their children if they know they could be charged too. Something has to be done and soon. Such a senseless death. Sad for his family. How do you undo the Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 shirt involved here. Start making parents accountable too.
Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 shirt
This just breaks my heart. These kids should have been calling the police at the very least when they saw a knife. They could have yelled stop. The other kids that participated in jumping one kid should have stopped the one with the knife. My condolences to that mom. All bc some girl wanted to make another boy jealous. 
Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 Sweater
You can see the official design here: Winnipeg Blue Bombers City Grey Cup Champions 2019 shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m a Postal Worker Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m a Postal Worker Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Americans better wake up to the issues we face and the failure of the youth today. Laura Ingram had a town hall meeting in Chicago with a young man in a wheelchair pastor and what's happening across this country. A mother is still waiting as her young son didn't want to join a gang they burned this young boy alive. We got a mixture of problems all across this country and folks better wake up because we are losing youth to violence. When we were kids in the Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m a Postal Worker Shirt and 1950s mums used to carry their babies in a shawl that was tucked into the baby and then wrapped around the mum.
Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm a Postal Worker Shirt

Children are so quick to record and yell Worldstar so they can be the ones to upload instead of help. We are doomed if this is the generation to look after us when we are older. Grieving for the mother. How sick and very sad that our youth are this way. 

Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm a Postal Worker Sweater
You can see the official design here: Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m a Postal Worker Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Mum was then able to go about her day,s housework, even cooking, She did,t feel the Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Shirt of baby and baby slept only waking to be fed. A Scottish custom I believe. I have never been able to figure out how a college or university can not have a childcare center available to students and faculty and staff. Many of these same schools offer courses and degrees in Early Childhood Education. Use them for OTJ learning! Nursing students would have a ready source to practice doing pediatric assessments on healthy kids. Music students can provide nap time lullabies. So many learning opportunities but nobody seems able to put this together.
Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Shirt
I don't hold my student's babies while teaching but I do allow them to bring them into the classroom usually in a stroller. They usually behave very well. What matters is giving the students a fighting chance to get ahead in life. 
Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Sweater
You can see the official design here: Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Vintage Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

I tried to hide all of my pregnancies with large sweaters and coats because I heard a professor my sophomore year imply that mothers were not real students and I wanted to be taken seriously. This was 2002-2007. This professor invested in a woman who will never forget her generosity and support. It brings me such the Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Sweater to hear this story. My son and daughter in law had my granddaughter their senior year of college. My granddaughter attended a few classes and thankfully slept thru most of them. Professors are accommodating and want to see their students succeed. 
Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Sweater

Wanting to learn should always be praised and allowed no matter the circumstances. I had my first child a week before my summer class started following my sophomore year in college. I had my second a month after finishing my BA and my third the month I finished my MPA.

Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Shirt
You can see the official design here: Character Wu Tang Clan Ugly Christmas Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

I’m Not A Hot Mess I’m A Spicy Disaster Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! I’m Not A Hot Mess I’m A Spicy Disaster Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

My bio-dad brought me to class a few times. Some instructors were understanding and let me come in and sit in an adjoining, empty classroom. Others were not as far as me being in there but would give him flexibility in turning in assignments or taking exams at different times. So he brought me sleeping in the I’m Not A Hot Mess I’m A Spicy Disaster Shirt a few times, checking on me from time to time. A classmate of mine came in for our final exam the day after she was released from giving birth. My professor literally begged her to go home & rest & she wouldn’t fail & could make arrangements to take it later but she insisted she was ok.
I'm Not A Hot Mess I'm A Spicy Disaster Shirt
I was super pregnant with my youngest and had to give a final presentation for my Masters. One of the things we weren’t allowed to do was sit while presenting but my professor said, I think we can all agree Jaz gets an exception on this one lol. I made it through and had her 4 days later. 
I'm Not A Hot Mess I'm A Spicy Disaster Sweater
You can see the official design here: I’m Not A Hot Mess I’m A Spicy Disaster Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

My younger daughter couldn’t really talk yet but she liked the Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding shirt. I was a single mom at 17. I was taking college classes and 1 day I couldn't take him to daycare. I contacted my effective oral communication professor and asked him if I could bring him to class. He told me no problem because we had to give a speech that night. I changed my topic and gave a speech on how to properly change a baby diaper. I'll never forget. One of my classmates took her little girl to our last class. I wasn't bothered at all.
Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding shirt

I’ve had to bring my daughters once, bc it was a one-off Saturday session when our professor couldn’t make our regularly scheduled class. I had to bring my girls & luckily the entire class was supportive. She even had them introduce themselves. Well, my older daughter.

Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding Sweater
You can see the official design here: Lutefisk the piece of cod that passes all understanding shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

I'm a mom, too, and all three of my daughters saw me graduate from college. My classmate did a great job of keeping her child entertained, and I wish her the best in her pursuit of higher education. It was NP at all. Some 41 years ago I took my first baby to work with me for the first six months of her life. I would often strap her on my body in the Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Shirt archaic baby carriers of the ’70s. She was a happy girl and brought lots of curious smiles to many. This article brought me back to that space-in-time. No better way to feel the warmth of loving care. Prof was simply awesome.
Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Shirt

Kathy Randall hello Ms. Randall. Replying to some of the comments. I have been watching this trial all week while on vacation. They have introduced something called tunnel vision. They're saying she may have experienced this because of the stress of thinking there was an intruder in her apartment. 
Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Sweater
You can see the official design here: Schrute Farms Bed And Breakfast Est 1812 Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

They are making up all kinds of excuses to get her off. Taudra Connell agreed. If she would have taken precautions he would still be alive and it could have been an incident that could have been explained away. But she chose to use deadly force and now she must pay the Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt for that decision. Keisha Mitchell, I don't know if off duty police have the same authority as on duty. But I would think you need to call the police before entering and identify yourself as off duty police going into my house that appears to be broken in need back up.
Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt
It appears that they have excepted that it was ok for her to make this mistake. So she experienced this tunnel vision, therefore, she was only focused on the subject that was in front of her which happened to be Mr. Botham Jean. I am furious about this trial.

Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy Sweater
You can see the official design here: Eye Wolverines Girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Official Ok Boomer Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Official Ok Boomer Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

Keisha Mitchell, it was a mistake, but she did kill an innocent man sitting in his own apartment eating some ice cream. It’s horrible and his family must be heartbroken. She needs to serve time in prison for at least 20 years, but I don’t believe it was intentional, it was wrong for sure! She has a life and he doesn’t. Chris Ann Bridges Hill his door was unlocked. He was on his couch with a bowl of ice cream. He stood up and went to confront the Official Ok Boomer Sweater walking into his apartment and was shot. She freaked out called her partner before calling emergency services.

Official Ok Boomer Sweater
She continued to freak out and did not render aid to the guy she shot and decided to stay on the phone pacing back and forth. She missed big indicators like a bright red doormat that was different than his. If she tried keys she should have noticed unlocked and paused and noticed she was mistaken. Jane Smith. 
Official Ok Boomer Shirt
You can see the official design here: Official Ok Boomer Sweater

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

This is what I don’t get. I have entered the wrong places in the past. And my first instinct was a state of confusion and I move back quickly and check where I am. I don’t understand how she quickly shot someone. And if she came to her apt and the door is open, she won’t wonder first why it is open? Or she usually leaves the Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle shirt open. This is one very confusing thing. I wonder if there is more to her shooting this guy than simply an accident. But they say not knowing is never an excuse. When I saw her crying I didn’t even want to listen to what she was saying.
Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle shirt

Can you even imagine how fast she had to react that he couldn’t say who are you walking in on my apartment. He was on the couch in the living room with a bowl of ice cream. I literally can’t think of another example of killing someone and saying hey it was just a mistake, including bartenders, drug dealers, doctors, Uber drivers, etc. 

Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle Sweater
You can see the official design here: Snoop Dogg twas the nizzle before christmizzle and all through the hizzle shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Someone is dead already and that man will never come back to life. His parents are tormented for good. My point to my comment is that she is the only one there to testify what she allegedly did. We will never know if that is true or not as the Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt was killed. She needs to go to jail. As an officer, she has a lot more culpability and responsibility for her actions. Instead of rendering aid, she made phone calls and texted her boyfriend. The whole thing stinks. Ok so I'm not from America or an American I'm following this story on social media & in my opinion it was a home invasion on the victim part.
Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm An Emt Shirt
His home was invaded by this woman forget the fact she's a cop or even white and should be treated as a common criminal. Also, her attitude shows no remorse & her statement looks well rehearse. Not a bad performance. I just feel like she immediately saw what she thought was her door ajar and wanted to be a hero. 
Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm An Emt Sweater
You can see the official design here: Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

I’m Dutch You Can’t Pronounce My Last Name Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! I’m Dutch You Can’t Pronounce My Last Name Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Either way, she has to go to jail. But this is one of the reasons why I don’t want a gun. I told my husband plenty of times I may shoot someone and they just want directions..nope I’m good. Praying for his family. A police officer is never supposed to enter the I’m Dutch You Can’t Pronounce My Last Name Shirt. They are supposed to call for backup. Her own boss said that. Then, she didn’t follow protocol. She used deadly force 1st. She could have tased him. She was trying to be a robocop with the intent to kill an intruder and it backfired on her.
I'm Dutch You Can't Pronounce My Last Name Shirt

She would’ve gotten so much praise to take out an intruder. But I guess that’s what happens when you’re trying to multitask and be on the local news for saving yourself from what she thought was an intruder.

I'm Dutch You Can't Pronounce My Last Name Sweater
You can see the official design here: I’m Dutch You Can’t Pronounce My Last Name Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2019

Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

I will call upon a circle one day. Formidable enemies will join hands! It’s the first cornerstone! But not a truce. Because we have everything to lose. I’m not a preacher and don’t believe in the organization of religion. I believe in nature, and in the Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Sweater of humanity, we have everything to lose. We have our home, our planet earth to believe in. Your extinction and salvation derivation depends on you. Spiritual, logical, your heart and soul. And those that understand this planet survives because it contains life. Passion drives us. Passion is a fundamental part of our lives. Passion holds power in its own self don’t let political parties dispell you.
Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Sweater
Words of hate will not unite humans because we humans have compassion. It’s called love. We believe in it. Love is the feeling of doing whats right. it’s what should unite those that believe in its love, because of the word Love, It’s the true trait that all humans must embrace. Humanity is what binds us all together equally. 
Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Long Sleeved T-Shirt
You can see the official design here: Grinch I want to drink draw your blood Sweater

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