ANNOUNCE!!! Guns Christmas Tree Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.
You know, as we do with the patch
and nicotine gum. Pete Shulver you haven't a clue what the warships actually
represent or are capable of, another pro Europe snowflake I imagine, won't
matter if we have an NHS or anything else if we can't show military strength in
today's world, no national pride in this country anymore, just snowflakes and
mommy's boys. Ian Phillips large Navy and blue water navy aren't the same
things. I'm also well aware of the importance of navy and Air force
interaction. None of which changes the Guns Christmas Tree Shirt that an aircraft carrier without
any flight assets is useless. But sure, carry on and Rule Britannia.
Someday it will even have airplanes. But not a catapult to launch them at full weapons and fuel capacity. Oh well. Typical of British compromise on weapons systems since the '50s, ambitious plans, not enough money to carry them out.
You can see the official design here: Guns Christmas Tree Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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