Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 11, 2019

Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.

Someone is dead already and that man will never come back to life. His parents are tormented for good. My point to my comment is that she is the only one there to testify what she allegedly did. We will never know if that is true or not as the Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt was killed. She needs to go to jail. As an officer, she has a lot more culpability and responsibility for her actions. Instead of rendering aid, she made phone calls and texted her boyfriend. The whole thing stinks. Ok so I'm not from America or an American I'm following this story on social media & in my opinion it was a home invasion on the victim part.
Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm An Emt Shirt
His home was invaded by this woman forget the fact she's a cop or even white and should be treated as a common criminal. Also, her attitude shows no remorse & her statement looks well rehearse. Not a bad performance. I just feel like she immediately saw what she thought was her door ajar and wanted to be a hero. 
Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I'm An Emt Sweater
You can see the official design here: Dear Santa Sorry For All The F-Bombs This Year I’m An Emt Shirt

See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

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