Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 11, 2019

Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Sweater

ANNOUNCE!!! Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.

It wasn’t a hate speech, it wasn’t an anti-trans speech. It was a woman’s right speech and how the feelings of women and the Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Sweater of women are being trampled all over by a small percentage of men who think that being a woman is just about wearing makeup and dresses. Try listening to it before you pass such misogynistic judgment on a woman. Gillian Cornell like you I had childhood measles and then had years of successfully fighting off all bugs. Then suddenly my immune system went into overdrive and started attacking everything in sight, good and bad.
Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Sweater

I used this same argument in support of Drag Queen Story Hour in Alabama and out remains true in this circumstance as well. Libraries are not social justice battlegrounds. Mm. This is a tough convergence of civil rights movements. Discernment and compassion are needed. 

Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Shirt
You can see the official design here: Game Of Thrones Santa Christmas Is Coming Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt

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