ANNOUNCE!!! Baby Mickey Mouse And Pikachu Friends Sweater is now available at Kingteesshop.
I suspect a dash for low-cost
manufacturing or low cost at any price is the source of the trouble. The
tragedy of our times is that the gathering collapse of our life support systems
has coincided with the age of public disservice. Just as we need to rise above
self-interest and short-termism, governments around the world now represent the Baby Mickey Mouse And Pikachu Friends Sweater and dirtiest of special interests. In the United Kingdom, the US,
Brazil, Australia, and many other nations, plutocrats rule. Great, a new target
for the eco-warriors to ban. Ban carbon dioxide, now SF6. Join the new wave of
extremist wealth distribution, the tax that evil SF6 into oblivion, replace it
with something that costs ten times more, raising the cost to every consumer
along the way, join the anti SF6 movement now.

Feel safe now that the EU is hot on the trail of this earth annihilating gas. Deniers are either paid by the oil and gas industry to dismiss all this or they are intellectually inferior youtube specialists that prefer to believe a crackpot video over the evidence and research of thousands of trained scientists.

You can see the official design here: Baby Mickey Mouse And Pikachu Friends Sweater
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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