ANNOUNCE!!! Friends The Beatles 50 Years Abbey Road 1969 2019 Signatures Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.
If you gonna smoke to get a fruity
flavor just stick to the hookah and the hookah bars. I’m a smoker myself,
smoking American spirits since I was 20. Still alive and doing well they should
put a huge tax on companies that lower overhead cost by using a level of
robots. I worked at a factory that brought in a new robot. The Friends The Beatles 50 Years Abbey Road 1969 2019 Signatures Shirt had to
work on a packaging line next to a human to learn and follow human movements.
So the packaging people are training robots. One day ppl won't be needed to do
anything then we are gone. Dumbasses there are machines that can do that
already. There is literally a harvester for everything already invented.

The thing about vaping is that you
can adjust the smoke intake. And many of these kids want more smoke, and they
use it like it’s a hookah. Yes, it is more dangerous than regular oldskool
cigarettes. These kids don’t know the true ingredients in these vaping liquids.

You can see the official design here: Friends The Beatles 50 Years Abbey Road 1969 2019 Signatures Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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