ANNOUNCE!!! Hard Rock Diagon Alley Shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.
I bet not. I have. Biggest problem
that I see is people not taking enough hours every day to get news from many
sources and from original sources, Fact is, Biden did break laws in both
Ukraine and in China, I am much more concerned about what he did with The Hard Rock Diagon Alley Shirt government then what he did in Ukraine, I find it amazing how so many
of you either have no clue about that or have no clue what a massive mess he
put us into by doing that, Talk about election fraud. In the hearing with Peter
S, it was proven that China was doing the hacking.

It is in the purview of the
president to request a foreign country to participate in an ongoing
investigation, This one has been going on for over a year now. Obama did the
very same thing and so did 3 of your dems in May of these years. Did you ever
bother to read their letters.

You can see the official design here: Hard Rock Diagon Alley Shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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