ANNOUNCE!!! Some of us grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac the cool ones still do shirt is now available at Kingteesshop.
If people want to wear a kilt - our
traditional dress- any day, not just Halloween, then I've no problem with it as
a Scottish person. They have a week in New York every year where they wear
kilts, eat haggis, play the bagpipes and celebrate all things Scottish and far the Some of us grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac the cool ones still do shirt feeling offended, I think it's great to see people enjoying our culture
and traditions. Where I live you can dress as you as people will always see the
funny side as we have a sense of humor here and don't throw tantrums when
someone is clearly having fun and not meaning any harm.

The UK becomes more and more pathetic every day and I'm glad I moved away. This entire politically correct nonsense is just that: Nonsense. Wearing a costume that resembles the garb worn by another culture is not, in and of itself, disrespectful any more than an actor in a movie wearing a costume is.

You can see the official design here: Some of us grew up listening to Fleetwood Mac the cool ones still do shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteesshirt
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