Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 1, 2020

Nicer than I look ignore the rbf shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Nicer than I look ignore the rbf shirt is now available at Kingteeshop.

Most children decide themselves what they want to play with. I've seen boys play with dolls and prams and girls play with cars and football's etc and this was when my children were little and they're in their 40's and 30's. Stop taking the Nicer than I look ignore the rbf shirt away from them it's short enough. Absolute nonsense children have played doctors and nurses for years and it hasn't prescribed their career choice. Most of these problems are in the eyes of the observers, not those who play. Let the play what they like but encourage them to reach for the stars.
Nicer than I look ignore the rbf shirt
Because the British would never trade or barter in drugs, like say a cargo tea in exchange for a generation's worth of opium. I think it's an old tradition they thought they'd dust off and see how it plays today, with some adjustments for the times we live in. Still not as bad a Fentanyl or meth, or crack. 
Nicer than I look ignore the rbf Ladies
You can see the official design here: Nicer than I look ignore the rbf shirt
See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Kingteeshirt.

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